“Transforming societal discontent into innovative power”: Towards a democratic welfare state
First, this inaugural lecture argues that there are sources of discontent that undermine the social legitimacy of our welfare state; middle classes in danger of becoming alienated from the welfare state, undeserving beneficiaries having to meet stricter requirements, and social systems becoming entangled
Characteristics of the ideal human trafficking victim: A media analysis
Christie (1986) suggests that victims/survivors conforming to the standards of the ideal victim are more likely to be recognized as victims – provided they have the social capital to claim that victim status. In this study, we
The influence of the reception period on developments in perceived exclusion by Syrian refugees in the Netherlands
Policies can have a large impact on the lives of refugees, especially in the first few years after arrival. Prior research has mostly focused on their impact on ‘objective’ factors such as language acquisition or labor market integration. We expand on this by examining the